Maria Seva Society


Change the world

Focussing on an integrated human society living in love, freedom, justice and peace, in harmony with creation, make the World a beautiful and dignified place to live.
Cherishing the Divine within and building up universal solidarity with all, especially the women, children, the marginalized, and the vulnerable people in the Society empowering them to create a new world order.

United with the Infinite

Standing in the Light of the Divine we reach out to the human...


The supreme control and management of the affairs and interest of the Society shall be vested in the Governing Body consists of eight members.

Office bearers

President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer

Maria Seva Society

Our Response

Education for Children

We believe that Education is the means for development and enlightenment of the individual persons and society at large.  Therefore, we engage in imparting knowledge through both formal and non-formal ways.

Members of our Society (Sisters) are involved in teaching and taking care of differently abled children especially visually impaired and deaf and dumb.


Give us a Hand

Social Causes

To respond to the deteriorating situation of the poor and the marginalized, the members of the Society involve themselves in the process of empowering the people in collaboration with the social work centers of various Dioceses and Religious Organizations. 

Skill Development

For the benefits of adolescent and school drop-out girls we conduct tailoring and needle work classes


Welfare Programmes

Cottage industries and farming. Empower women so as to play an active role in social development and nation building. To find their own livelihood the widows and the aged are supported according to their interest and ability.

Health Sector

Members involved in the Heath Ministry dedicate themselves to bring relief to the sick people not only with medical assistance but through counselling and guidance